Active Work

It has been proven that the healthier the employee, the less likely they are to take time off work due to illness. Research has shown that on average the cost of absence has increased to over £600 per employee per year. With recent changes to pensions employers also need to be aware of the need to sustain the health of an ageing workforce for as long as possible.

Nearly 70% of costs related to health care are preventable conditions, spending long periods of time sitting down whilst commuting or at a desk can play a significant role in the development of chronic disease such as coronary heart disease, stroke, type 2 diabetes, hypertension, stress, anxiety, osteoarthritis, osteoporosis and lower back pain.

Tamworth is looking to highlight the importance of exercise and physical activity the work place to combat such issues.


At work in the office, why not try:

  • Walking to talk to a co-worker rather than sending an email
  • Taking the stairs instead of the lift
  • Parking the car further away from the entrance and walking